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{Hour 18} Menstruation Phase fasting thoughts... 💭 - 9/23/24

It's officially Autumn! 🍂

Yesterday was the Autumn Equinox and I celebrated the most quintessential way - camping in the mountains of Colorado with some of my favorite people.

There was a time in my life when going camping for a weekend would wreck me for a week after returning - my body, my routine, my mood - it was awful.

The foods I ate, the alcohol I drank, the sleep I didn't get, the stress I experienced would all pile up until I was spending days in the bathroom, with a sore bum, upset at myself for causing this pain to myself. 

To myself. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Before I understood how my lifestyle was affecting my life experience (read: not prioritizing my self-care), I spent a lot of time regretting my choices after I made a fun weekend camping with friends.

Today, I am not regretting any of the choices I made! 💃

Today, I am reflecting upon the power + control I feel over my body, over my feelings, over my SELF!

All because I knew which self-care choices to make based on where I was in my monthly cycle.

- AND -

Because I am now more metabolically flexible than I used to be.

(More to come on that ⬆️)

Cycle syncing my self-care has been the game changer for me!

Since I started bleeding while we were camping (thanks Great Mother 🫠), I knew I could get back into the swing of fasting again, as well as have 'a drink' or two without it messing with my cortisol levels.

(Friendly reminder: The final week of your cycle, the nurture phase, is the time you want to reduce your stress as much as possible, and fasting is purposely stressful on your body. So eat up, buttercup!)

However, I was on vacation!!

I didn't really want to put myself through the torture of fasting while everyone else around me was indulging.

I wanted to eat s'mores.

And to enjoy a pumpkin beer around the fire. 🎃

I knew I could do some intermittent fasting (12-16 hours) to get my body back into rhythm again while we were traveling, AND I knew that my choices when we returned back home could help me feel successful...

Today is Day 3 of my cycle - I'm in my menstruation phase, my new moon phase, my power phase.

Based on what my body is doing right now, I can safely fast for 13-72 hours and when I eat, I should be eating ketobiotic foods (carbs <50g, protein =75g, ~60% fat) to support my hormones.

Yesterday, once we were done unloading from an amazing weekend of camping, I decided that the best way for me to cut the mind-body-energy connection between my gut + the sugar I consumed over the weekend was to do a 24+ hour fast.

During a 24 hour fast:

  • my body initiates autophagy - the process where my intelligent cells repair themselves

  • she opens the healing pathway for detox, cancer prevention, gut repair, reducing anxiety and depression, and brain and memory loss

Just by holding off on eating for 24 hours. 😳

Now, that's power! 💪🏻

Plan: I last ate on Sunday night around 8pm, and my goal is to make it until 8am Tuesday morning before breaking my fast, making it 36 hours of healing my body.

I'll start with some bone broth, then some olives + sauerkraut, my seed-cycling treat, and finally a delicious farm-cooked breakfast.

Having a plan is key.

My plan helps me to maintain my vision. ✨

-- Ashley

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