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It's gonna be one of "those" days... - Menstruation Phase Thoughts... 💭 - 11/19/24

I woke up to the familiar "Day 2" rush of blood, causing me to harshly jolt from my beautiful dream state to tend to Aunt Flo's visit.

Not my favorite way to start my day.

I immediately had the thought - "I am going to crawl back into bed as soon as I get the boys off to school, and spend the rest of my day there."

Haha - one of those days.

Five years ago, "one of those days" would have meant something completely different than what it means today.

It would have meant an angry mommy.

It would have meant fighting, yelling, crying at my sweet baby boys.

It would mean a mommy who is in a lot of pain - cramping, heavy bleeding, battling vaginal infections.

It would mean a mommy who felt that she couldn't show up for herself because she had to show up for her littles, so she was resentful.


I am thankful for all I have gained in the past 5 years along my healing journey.

I forever owe my gratitude to finding self-care.

🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻

The biggest difference between that mommy back then and the Mama I woke up as today is that, today, I know what self-care I need in order to not have "one of those days."

I know what I need in order to show up as the best version of myself.

I have a vision of the mama I want to be... even on day 2 of my cycle.

I now know what is appropriate for me to do on Day 2 + what's not does not serve me on Day 2.

Today, my Day 2 self-care looks like:

🪷 making space for my body to heal digestively because I indulged in some sweets this weekend 🫠 by fasting for 24 hours

🪷 giving myself permission to leave the housework because my body needs to focus on releasing what she has built up over the past month

🪷 rolling my Moon Cycle Flow oil blend on my lower abdomen to relieve cramps + aches

🪷 crawling back in bed with my 3 drinks (detox clay, coffee w/ milk , Beam Minerals) after patiently + lovingly getting my boys off to school

🪷 moving my bouquet of pink roses to my nightstand next to me - I can smell them while I write now

🪷 journaling 2 pages of thoughts, emotions, gratitudes, experiences, insights in my heart

🪷 practicing gratitude that my man is on a business trip, leaving me space to create my own flow for the day

🪷 working from bed - allowing creative juices to flow - instead of following a strict goal-oriented schedule

🪷 using a heat pad to relieve pain

🪷 planning out my next couple of weeks intentionally while my body is doing less today

I am grateful that I have the flexibility to take this rest day when my body needed it. I don't do this everyday, and that helps me to lean into it even more when I do have the opportunity.

Before I understood how to Sync my Self-Care to my Cycle I would have put so much pressure on myself to be something that my little body could not physically do on Day 2 of my cycle.

And then I would have felt guilt, disappointment, regret from not showing up as the mama I desired to be. much regret. 😔

By understanding that (1) my hormone level is the lowest it will be for the next couple of weeks, that (2) my body needs to take a break from eating + digesting right now to set it up for success throughout the rest of my cycle, and that (3) I need different self-care for different days of my cycle, and that (4) tomorrow, I will have a greater capacity to be productive, I am able to fully rest today.

By Syncing my Self-Care to my Cycle, I relieve myself from all those negative emotions I've held ABOUT MYSELF in the past, allowing myself...

... to soften,

... to be feminine,

... to flow,

... to live the way my body, my mind, and my energy longs for me to live. 🌙

How do you show up differently during different phases of your cycle, mama??

Tell me below!

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